Stefan Marković , Milivoj Dopsaj , Anton Umek , Goran Prebeg & Anton Kos published the study titled The relationship of pistol movement measured by a kinematic sensor, shooting performance and handgrip strength at the International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport in 2020.
The purpose of the authors was determine the relationship between the measures of shooting performance handgrip strength and weapon kinematics during different phases of the shot.
The 35 subjects, experienced male shooters, were asked to perform shots from distances of 6m and 15m using a CZ99 pistol. Measures such as the functional capacity of the hand, the shooting precision and the moviment of the shooters hand were made.

This study has determined moderate to high value of correlation of variables of weapon movement and measures of shooting performance for both examined shooting distances (6 and 15 m) and time intervals (1.0–0.1 and 0.1–0.0 s prior to the shot). In addition, strong correlations of measures of shooting performance and rotational speed of the weapon indicate high practical importance of the rotational component of weapon movement on the shooting result. This study has also determined that the weapon kinematics in the last 0.1 seconds before the shot have the strongest relation to the explored shooting performance, which can be attributed to the effect of triggering, i.e. the disturbance of the weapon during this phase of the shot. The determined differences in values of correlation of absolute and relative measures of handgrip strength and measures of shooting performance, indicate that the use of absolute measures of handgrip strength is superior in this context, which is most likely related to the weapon weight that remains constant for all participants. The results of this study indicate that shooting precision is more strongly related to handgrip strength than shooting accuracy. This relationship is shown to be more pronounced as the shooting distance increases. Marković et al., 2020

Stefan Marković , Milivoj Dopsaj , Anton Umek , Goran Prebeg & Anton Kos (2020): The relationship of pistol movement measured by a kinematic sensor, shooting performance and handgrip strength, International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, DOI: 10.1080/24748668.2020.1833624