The end of the year is an extraordinary time when most people deviate from their routines, inadvertently creating opportunities for criminals of all kinds. This period sees a rise in accidents, home invasions, and various crimes in many areas. In today’s text, we’ve compiled end-of-year security tips that will allow you and your family to enjoy Christmas and New Year’s without unwelcome surprises.
(1) Information Security

Restrict the level of information third parties have about your year-end activities. Your co-worker or a store vendor doesn’t need to know where you’re going, with whom, and when. Keep your information to yourself.
The same applies to social media. Many people get excited during holidays and may want to post a beautiful landscape during New Year’s Eve. If that beautiful image was taken 1000 miles away from your home or workplace, ill-intentioned individuals might feel more at ease committing crimes in those locations.
(2) Gas and Water

If you are traveling and your house will be uninhabited, remember to shut off the gas and water valves to prevent accidents.
(3) Alarms and Cameras

For those traveling during the period between Christmas and New Year’s, or even for those exclusively away from home on those days, it’s worth double-checking your electronic security. Ensure your cameras and alarms are well-connected. Make sure your batteries are charged, and the uninterruptible power supply is functioning. It’s also worthwhile to consider at least one additional internet supply option to prevent disruptions to your connection with these devices.
(4) Counterintelligence

If you are forced to discuss your plans with someone who is not trustworthy enough, use counterintelligence. If you will be at location A, say you will be at location B, and vice versa. If you are traveling on the 26th, say you will hit the road on the 29th. If your house will be empty, mention that your relatives from Guam, Crimea, or Madagascar will be staying there while you travel, and so on.
(5) Use of Psychotropics

People often indulge in excessive alcohol and drugs during this time, associated with a series of problems, a real magnet for trouble. I have nothing against alcohol; in fact, I maintain an extremely disciplined lifestyle regarding physical exercise and diet, but I don’t give up my whiskies. However, if you know you will drink, do it at home. If you have to do it outside, make sure to stay where you are until you are completely sober.
Also, remember that most people are not reading this text, so they might be the ones doing foolish things due to alcohol or drugs. Always consider the worst possible scenario. Never underestimate human stupidity or malice.
(6) Vehicle Check-Up

Crowded roads with people who do not drive frequently, emotionally altered, and potentially under the influence of psychotropics are a perfect mix for accidents. Add to that poorly maintained vehicles, and the bomb explodes.
If you are hitting the road, check your vehicle and ensure it is as reliable as possible. Drive carefully, as if something unexpected could happen at any moment.
(7) First Aid Kit, Bug-Out Bag, etc.

A serious accident can leave you stranded on the road for hours. Carry medications, clothes, food, communications, and entertainment at a minimum.
(8) Situational Awareness
While we all wish for the true peace of Christ at Christmas, this should not be an excuse to lower our guard. We work for the best, prepared for the worst. Strange things happen at this time of the year. Be attentive to everything.
(9) Friends’ Network

For those traveling, ask a trusted friend to visit your house occasionally to check on things. For those staying, offer this kindness to your friends. This leaves everyone with a more relaxed conscience.
Final Thoughts

ABA Intl wishes all its readers, students, partners, suppliers, and customers a blessed Christmas, full of strengthening existing family bonds, renewing lost ones, and perhaps creating some new ones. May the last days of 2023 be the best days of your year, and may God bless you all.
See you soon!