The knife was the first smart tool invented by the human race, and for a smart human, this is last tool of which he would like to be devoid. (Flavio Duprat)
Understanding the basic dinamics of a knife attack may be useful even for those who don’t intend to use a knife as a weapon.
In this text we’ll understand the elementary tactics that may save your live when defending yourself against a blade or improve your use of a knife.
- Take the fangs off

People often focus on hitting lethal areas when fighting with a knife of against a knife. However I use to say that it is wiser to fight an enemy without an arm than one bearing a blade.
Instead of putting yourself in more danger that a lethal encounter already represents, concentrate in hitting the hand or the arm of your enemies to disarm them.
- Who controls the distance, controls the fight
No matter the level of combat we are discussin. From boxing to intercontinental war, if you can hit withour being hit, you are more likely to survive.
In knife combat, controlling the distance is one of the pillars that allows you to break in and break out your enemy’s fighting distance effectively.
2.1. Moving

If you want to control de distance, moving may be your key to doing so. When you have a knife between you and your enemy, walking straight forward can be deatly.
Try moving diagonally instead.
2.2. Walk softly and carry a big stick
Another way to keep your enemy at a safe distance is to have a weapon bigger than his. This could be a bigger knife or a stick (Eg.: ASP baton).
- Forget the kerambits, for Christ sake!
Having a good knife can improve yor chance of surviving a lethal attack. Kerambits and other exotic shaped blades underestimate the potential you can extract from them.
A knife is just a piece of steel with a handle. Don’t complicate it.
- Use your drills to improve your combat, not themselves
You’ll find many knife combat instructors teaching and performing drills. These drills are not the end, but the means to achieve a specific motor pattern. People forget that often and become masters of useless coreography.
A well-performed drill should equip you to do something during a fight you couldn’t before.
- Grip the knife correctly

People has the temptation of holding a knife backwards. It may be because they see it on a movie or because of the p’kal techniques from filipino martial arts, however it necessary to emphasize that in the overwhelming majorty of the cases, having a sak-sak grip (point forward) on your knife provides you a sgnificant advange besides being more natural. After all, you don’t hold your knife backwards at the dinner table, do you?

- Attacks
A knife can be utilized for thrusting, slashing, or strike. These actions can be executed diagonally, vertically, or horizontally. When slashing, ensure that pressure is maintained over the edge while cutting. Practice using both hands for versatility.

- This is not a game
There are no rules during a life threatening situation. If you are not cheating, you are not taking it serious enough.
Do whatever is necessary to ensure your survival and protect those who depend on you.
Final statements
Mastering the use of a knife requires years of dedicated practice. However, understanding the basic techniques and tactics can provide you with advantage over an untrained attacker.
Defending yourself against a knife-wielding assailant is even worse. If you find yourself unarmed (which you should avoid at all costs), running may be the best option if feasible.
In priority order: Create distance, use a firearm if possible, if not, opt for a larger weapon; if that’s also not an option, utilize a blade.