Did I exaggerate with that title? Is it too sensational? Will the Third World War never happen? Is it unlikely that, if it happens, it will affect our lives? Maybe yes, maybe no. If you, like me, like to be prepared, I believe you’ll share my interest in the 10 things you’ll want to have in World War III.
The world has never been a peaceful place. In the entire 20th century, the planet witnessed only ONE (yes, one) day of peace. On all other days, there was some conflict somewhere. Furthermore, in 2023, it seems that everything is heading towards an escalation of conflicts.
From a strategic point of view, there’s no way to be sure how a third global war would be fought: would the Geneva Convention be respected? Would there be a biological threat (anyone mentioning COVID-19 is in trouble)? Chemical? Nuclear? Would it be possible to disrupt the logistics of basic supplies like water and food in a large country like the United States? Maybe in just one state or another?
No one has all the answers, but there are certainly some items you won’t regret having with you in case you’re caught off guard by enemy paratroopers in your street or a bomb in the neighboring area. Of course, different people would have different goals in such a scenario: some might have a moral and legal obligation to fight, while others might need to focus on ensuring the safety of their children. A single 25-year-old man’s list would never be the same as that of a 45-year-old father with a wife and three children. Anyway, this is just an exercise of imagination and not a closed list to be followed by everyone, okay? Let’s go to the list.
- Weapons and Ammunition

No one wants to find themselves in the middle of a war without basic combat instruments. The minimum expected in terms of weapons is a rifle, a pistol, and all the ammunition you can carry in case of displacement (if you’ve ever carried a few hundred rounds, you know how heavy it can be). If you don’t need to bring it with you, of course, it’s wise to have a much larger stock.
If the idea, however, is to defend a position, more can definitely be better. I’m sure no one would mind having a spare RPG or a Minimi in a conflict.

- Food
It’s convenient to always have food stocks to feed the family for at least a month. You can, of course, stock food for months if necessary. I think this is worth a separate post, isn’t it?
- Water

The human body is more than 70% water. You can go for days, maybe weeks, without food, but you won’t get far without water.
Dehydration is a physiological state in which the human body does not have the appropriate amount of water to function efficiently. This condition can arise from various reasons, including inadequate fluid intake, excessive fluid loss, or a combination of both. The consequences of dehydration can be substantial and have multiple effects on an individual’s health.
Reduced physical performance: Dehydration leads to fatigue and a decrease in physical endurance. This occurs because water is essential for the proper functioning of muscles. When dehydrated, muscles become susceptible to cramps and injuries.
Kidney impairment: The kidneys play a crucial role in excreting metabolic waste and regulating electrolyte balance. Dehydration can overwhelm the functional capacity of the kidneys, making them less effective in their functions, which can result in long-term kidney complications.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Dehydration can lead to constipation, as insufficient water can result in dry, hard-to-pass stools. Additionally, dry mouth and throat due to dehydration can lead to problems with swallowing and irritations in the gastrointestinal mucosa.
Cognitive impairment: Dehydration negatively affects brain function, leading to confusion, lack of concentration, and even dizziness. In severe cases of dehydration, delirium may occur.
Dermatological issues: Dehydration affects the skin, making it dry, rough, and less elastic, which can lead to premature wrinkles and other skin disorders.
Exacerbation of pre-existing medical conditions: Individuals with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension may experience more severe complications when dehydrated, as hydration is essential for managing these conditions.
Risk of hyperthermia: In hot climates, dehydration is a risk factor for hyperthermia. When the body cannot effectively dissipate heat through sweating, body temperature can rise dangerously.
Cardiac issues: Inadequate water in the body can lead to a decrease in blood volume, putting additional stress on the cardiovascular system. This can be particularly dangerous for individuals with a history of heart diseases.
According to the World Health Organization, a man needs 110 liters of water per day to survive comfortably. Of course, you won’t be able to reach this level of stockpiling in an extreme scenario. Of these 110 liters, only 2 or 3 are for hydration. For a family of 5, therefore, at least 450 liters per month.
- Alternative Means of Communication

No man is an island. And if I were to develop strategies to win a war, certainly attacking the communications of my enemies would be among my priorities. You probably won’t be able to use your favorite messaging app to send a message to your friend.
Consider the possibility of investing in radios; there are several affordable options on the market. Just like firearms, the tool does nothing by itself; you need knowledge to use it. Invest in courses and training as well.
- Alternative Sources of Energy

It used to be more challenging to talk about this in the past. Today, there are devices available for anyone that produce energy from various sources: hydroelectric, solar, kinetic, wind, etc.
It’s worth considering.
- Basic Medications

In addition to the mandatory IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit), it’s important to have medications available that may be needed: anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, antipyretics, and medications for continuous use. If you can access morphine, lidocaine, or equivalents, it’s worth being prepared. Iodine tablets probably won’t save your life, but they also don’t take up much space or cost much.
- Masks
The market offers masks at various prices and for all audiences.
In a survival scenario during the outbreak of the Third World War, choosing and using respiratory protection masks is a critical aspect to ensure survival in situations of chemical, biological, or nuclear threats. Here are in-depth details about respiratory protection masks, including classifications, selection, cost, duration, and validity:
Classifications and Types of Respiratory Protection Masks:
Gas Masks (N95/N99 Respiratory Protection Masks): These masks are designed to filter solid and liquid particles from the air, such as dust, smoke, and aerosols. N95 masks provide at least 95% filtration of particles, while N99 masks filter about 99% of particles. They are effective against biological agents like viruses and can be used in chemical warfare situations with some limitations.
Full Spectrum Gas Masks (NBC Masks): These masks are designed to provide protection against nuclear, biological, and chemical threats. They have specific filters for each type of threat and may be necessary in a total war scenario.
How to Choose the Right Respiratory Protection Mask:
Evaluate the threat: Consider the type of threat when choosing a mask. In a chemical warfare scenario, an NBC mask would be ideal, while in a more common situation, an N95 or N99 mask may be sufficient.
Fit and comfort: Ensure the mask fits well on your face to prevent leaks. Test the mask before an emergency to ensure you can wear it comfortably.
Durability: Choose quality and durable masks from reputable manufacturers. They may be more expensive, but they are a reliable investment.
Cost and Duration:
Disposable N95 masks can be relatively affordable, while high-quality NBC masks can be more expensive. Remember, the price of preserving life is invaluable.
The mask’s duration depends on the type of filter and usage. Disposable masks like N95 typically last from a few hours to several days, depending on exposure. NBC masks can last for weeks or even months, depending on usage.
Validity and Maintenance:
Disposable masks have a limited shelf life, usually indicated by the manufacturer. Check the expiration date and replace them as needed.
NBC masks require proper maintenance, including regular filter replacement, which also has expiration dates. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure continuous effectiveness.
Training and Knowledge:
It’s essential to understand how the mask functions, how to change filters, and ensure it’s ready for use in an emergency. Prior training and practice are crucial.
- Knives

Ah, knives… Let’s be honest. If you don’t have a knife by now, you’re really out of your element, aren’t you?
This topic shouldn’t even be here. Every human being needs a knife every day, everywhere.
With or without war, buy and carry your knives.
- Explosives

Never fight someone you can explode. I won’t provide instructions for making improvised explosive devices or recipes for preparing explosives here. You can find that knowledge online.
Explosives can be useful during combat to attack or defend. They have the property of causing a lot of damage to the enemy proportionally, considering the cost, volume, and effort.
If you can have ready-made industrial explosives, organize your stock safely. If you can’t, learn how to make them and have the raw materials stocked.
Remember that mistakes here can be costly. Unfortunately, I’ve lost very intelligent friends handling explosives. Never underestimate the risk.
- Bunker

Even if you’re determined to go to the front, it’s always a good deal to have a safe place. Whether to leave your family or to retreat in times of need.
Bunkers can be built improvisationally, professionally, or can be purchased almost ready, requiring only installation.
EXTRA – Transportation

Are you happy to hae finally bought your Escalade? A large SUV or pickup truck wouldn’t be on my list of preferences for cars in such a scenario.
The more sophisticated, the more things can go wrong.
I would prefer the simplest car possible, and of course, a reserve of fuel.
Final Thoughts
Unfortunately, modern human survival, especially in a conflict scenario, demands much more than what you find in this list.
This list, of course, is pretty much a joke. It’s a lighthearted text written about a very serious topic that needs further exploration.
We haven’t talked about lighting, sources of heat, navigation, and so on.
Anyway, I hope you had fun if you made it this far and maybe even sparked your interest in delving deeper into the subject, which is far from being exhausted.